Yes, I know that I haven't done a post on this site in oh, about 4 or 5 months, but I'm seeking a bit of advice from Bronx parents and thought this might be a good way to reach out to everyone.
I want to get a bike seat for Pearl so I have another way of getting out and about with her. My husb

and has the rear-mounted
CoPilot seat (pictured left) on the back of his bike. Pearl seems to like this, but clearly the view of Dad's back might get a little boring at times. I'm wondering if anyone has any experience with a front-mounted seat, such as the
iBert safe-T-seat (pictured right). As many of the user reviews seem to indicate, I feel it may be easier to maneuver the bike

with the front-mounted seat because it's closer to the center of gravity. However, when I stopped into a bike shop to inquire about the front-mounted seats, the worker looked at me as if I'd just asked him to bum a smoke for my kid. He was clearly not a fan of front-mounted seats and cited safety issues with using these as opposed to the rear-mounted ones.
So, do any of you Bronx parents have any knowledge on this matter?